The Blockchain MadeReady for Business

Combining a modified Bitcoin Core infrastructure with an intercompatible version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Qtum merges the reliability of Bitcoin’s unfailing blockchain with the endless possibilities provided.

Join Us Today

Build decentralized applications you can trust.

Process Payments

Executable on mobile devices, compatible with major existing

Source Liquidity

Executable on mobile devices, compatible with major existing

Source Liquidity

Executable on mobile devices, compatible with major existing

Better Than Any Blockchain

Create your own tokens, automate supply chain management and engage in self-executing agreements in a standardized environment, verified and tested for stability.

About FTRCoin

Air winged, above, seed whales face so void which so. Fish bring light blessed, midst light set and us rule said dominion.

Browse Decentralized Apps

Its hybrid nature, in combination with a first-of- its-kind PoS consensus protocol, allow Qtum applications to be compatible with major.

Combining a modified Bitcoin Core infrastructure with intercompatible version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Qtum merges the reliability of Bitcoin’s unfailing blockchain with the endless.

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Smart Contracts

Qtum makes it easier than ever for established sectors and legacy institutions to interface with blockchain technology.

Create your own tokens, automate supply chain management and engage in self-executing agreements in a standardized environment, verified and tested for stability.

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Setting Industry Standarts

Cooperating with a series of partners and third parties, Qtum aims to establish a smart contract hub offering secure and thoroughly.

Combining a modified Bitcoin Core infrastructure with intercompatible version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Qtum merges the reliability of Bitcoin’s unfailing blockchain with the endless.

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The Future of Blockchains

Building on Bitcoin’s UTXO model, the simple paymentverification protocol is supported by the codebase.

Distributed ledgers represent a paradigm shift in the storage and transfer of assets and,
for the first time in history, there is a perfect form of collateral: blockchain assets. SALT is
pioneering an evolutionary leap for lending in which the value of a borrower’s assets are
fully recognized and credit history is made irrelevant.

Distributed ledgers represent a paradigm shift in the storage and transfer of assets and,
for the first time in history, there is a perfect form of collateral: blockchain assets. SALT is
pioneering an evolutionary leap for lending in which the value of a borrower’s assets are
fully recognized and credit history is made irrelevant.

Distributed ledgers represent a paradigm shift in the storage and transfer of assets and,
for the first time in history, there is a perfect form of collateral: blockchain assets. SALT is
pioneering an evolutionary leap for lending in which the value of a borrower’s assets are
fully recognized and credit history is made irrelevant.

Distributed ledgers represent a paradigm shift in the storage and transfer of assets and,
for the first time in history, there is a perfect form of collateral: blockchain assets. SALT is
pioneering an evolutionary leap for lending in which the value of a borrower’s assets are
fully recognized and credit history is made irrelevant.

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The Countdown

Fly called open greater gathered, whales, there grass first second she’d i from one own tree.

  • 00 days
  • 00 hours
  • 00 minutes
  • 00 seconds